blank'/> Laughing Through the Silences: You know what'll help that?

Monday, December 15, 2014

You know what'll help that?

Do you ever get so busy and stressed that you don't really have time to feel things? You know? Like...emotions? I sometimes do. And even though I'm so ridiculously busy right now, things have kinda caught up with me and I'm just feeling a lot of things.

I've missed my sister the whole time she's been on her mission but during times like these, when I feel like I need a lot of sister advice, I feel really sad.

I texted my mom about it and she reminded me of the wise words of my dad.

Me: Dad, I think I'm getting a cold.
Dad: You know what'll help that?  A good night's rest.

Me: Dad, I think I broke my toe.
Dad: You know what'll help that? A good night's rest.

Me: Dad, I don't have any friends.
Dad: You know what'll help that? A good night's rest.

Me: Dad, my arm is super swollen.
Dad: You know what'll help that? Probably some ice. And a good night's rest.

And that's the answer to everything. So, why shouldn't it be the answer to this? I go. To bed.

(Thanks for the advice, Mom and Dad.)

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