Do you ever get so busy and stressed that you don't really have time to feel things? You know? Like...emotions? I sometimes do. And even though I'm so ridiculously busy right now, things have kinda caught up with me and I'm just feeling a lot of things.
I've missed my sister the whole time she's been on her mission but during times like these, when I feel like I need a lot of sister advice, I feel really sad.
I texted my mom about it and she reminded me of the wise words of my dad.
Me: Dad, I think I'm getting a cold.
Dad: You know what'll help that? A good night's rest.
Me: Dad, I think I broke my toe.
Dad: You know what'll help that? A good night's rest.
Me: Dad, I don't have any friends.
Dad: You know what'll help that? A good night's rest.
Me: Dad, my arm is super swollen.
Dad: You know what'll help that? Probably some ice. And a good night's rest.
And that's the answer to everything. So, why shouldn't it be the answer to this? I go. To bed.
(Thanks for the advice, Mom and Dad.)