blank'/> Laughing Through the Silences: August 2012

Thursday, August 30, 2012

The time has come. That's right..We're talking about it. Now.

Downton Abbey.

We can't avoid this any longer. Seriously.

Spoiler Alert!! If you have not finished the second season of Downton Abbey, DO NOT read this post. If you don't really care at all about Downton, read on. Or just don't read it. You choose. Either way, I need to talk about it.

Oh my goodness. So many things to discuss. First of all, let me say...I still just love and adore Mr. Branson. He is sooooooooooo fantastic. My mom thinks he's just an angry Irish man. I think he's just super passionate. I just love him!

Branson is at the top of my "Love" list. Who is at the top of my "Hate" list, you ask? Oh. Let me tell you.

That would be none other than THOMAS! He is a slime ball. Seriously. Is he not just a scum bag? He is...evil. Mean. Gross. Just...blehhhh!

Matthew? Oh, he is soooo fantastic! Absolutely perfect! Let me just say...Mary was so incredibly nice to Lavinia. That must've been so hard, but she was genuinely kind. I LOVE Marry. She's so great.  The fact that Lavinia died made me really really sad cause it totally tore Matthew apart. In reality, though, it was kinda convenient... how horrible of me!
But, now Mary and Matthew are gonna be so amazingly happy together! I'm so incredibly happy right now!

Mr. Bates is gonna live! They better let him out of jail because 1) He's innocent and 2) He and Anna just finally got married and they need to just be together! They're soooo lovely!

Sybil and Branson. That's all I have to say.

If you can't tell...they're my favorite. (Especially Branson. Not to mention that I've been told I look like Sybil. Massive compliment, but I don't really see it.) They are just so amazing. I'm so happy with how that ended up.

Daisy! She's so cute! She felt so super guilty about marrying William in the last hours of his life even though she didn't really love him. But, in the end, when William's dad was telling her how special she was to him..that was so sweet! She was finally important to somebody and she loved it! How sweet!!! For real!

Okay. Edith. What is up with her? She became nice. Was that just the war changing her? She seems so different but I don't know whether or not to like her...

Cousin Violet/Grandmother/Professor McGonagall/Maggie Smith/The funniest lady! She is so wonderful! I can't even explain why I love her so much..but, I do. She says the best things!

Okay. And, other people that I just want to discuss...but, don't really want to...

If you watch the know.

As for this last one...all I have to say is...I love how they make her she needs to be somewhere else. Haha! Good stuff.

And...just a little bit more:

Makes so much sense. I love the bit on Thomas. And, Ms. O'Brien.
I want this shirt. Seriously.

K. Peace out! If you read this whole post, you're cool. If you didn't...well, then you're not reading this bit and I can're not as cool. Ha! Anywho, I'm glad I could share my feelings with y'all!


Sunday, August 26, 2012

So, maybe...

So, maybe school starts next week. Maybe I'm gonna be a Senior. And, who knows? Maybe I'm completely terrified. Maybe I'm not. But, probably.

Maybe last year was the worst year of my life. Maybe I don't like watching other people with their best friends. Maybe I'm jealous. Maybe I miss MY best friend. Actually, there's no maybe. I for sure miss my best friend.

Maybe I thought this summer was gonna be as amazing as last summer. Maybe I was expecting late night talks with my friends, hanging out whenever possible, or just being super spontaneous again. Maybe I wasn't. Well, actually, I was.

Maybe I'm gonna miss having my big brother and his friend here to tell me that my friends are kinda dumb when the lie to me. Maybe I'm gonna miss doing pranks with them, too. Maybe I'm gonna miss my big sister, too. I can't explain exactly why. But, I sure as heck will.

Maybe I know what I want to do with my life..but, at the same time, maybe everything's just a blur.

Maybe I'm nervous about being Laurel President and a senior at the same time. Too much stress? Maybe.

Maybe I'm just a worrier. Yeah. That's probably it. Maybe I just need to breathe. After all, I did overcome a lot of my fears this summer. Maybe I can do that during this school year as well.


Monday, August 20, 2012

Too much. Way too much.

First thing's first. Yesterday was my birthday and it was glorious! It consisted of the following:
  • Going to BYC
  • Having breakfast with my family and opening presents.
  • Going to church and playing the violin.
  • Having a massive Korean Feast with my family and 2 other families. (So yummy, and I'm not just talking about the food...Just kidding. Clearly.)
  • Going to visit my cousins and playing games with them for about 20 minutes.
  • Eating GERMAN CHOCOLATE cake made by my lovely mother.
  • Getting a lovely visit from Whitney and Bailey.
So, overall, it was seriously a rockin day! I loved it!

A few days ago, my sister, Kaycee, and her friend, Kelli, decided to make a music video. It is just glorious. I filmed it and was the directer and choreographer and whatnot. (Actually..not the choreographer. Whoever was should be ashamed of themselves. Jokes.) Anywho, this is just about as funny as funny can get. Not to mention that it is to probably THE most annoying song invented. Well, not THE most annoying song...but, it's pretty close. Anyways, just watch the video!

Glorious. That is the only word for it!

Okay. Remember in my last post when I said that a certain girl had a hard time controlling her bladder on our little trip? Well, feel free to read all about it on our group blog, Ubes Awk. Not to mention her response post here. Seriously enjoy. Seriously.

Last week I watched Downton Abbey Season 2. I honestly am still in the process of dying from such strong love. I'm so addicted. Season 3 couldn't come any sooner. Oh my stars. My love for Branson has just multiplied by infinity. I can't even begin to express my love for him. My dear friend Lauren came up with a way to express inexpressible love. Say that you have an "oboe" for things. I have heaps and heaps of oboes for Branson. (Think it'll catch on?) I just think he is too much amazing to handle.

I just want to discuss all of my feelings about Downton Abbey on here. But, I can't because my mom reads this blog and she hasn't finished the second season yet. Plus, it deserves it's own post. Truly

Happy Monday! Tell your parents you love them.

Sunday, August 12, 2012


*Disclaimer: This might be a really long post. But, it's pretty funny. So, read it, maybe. :)
These last few weeks have been uber cray cray. You may all think that I have just fallen off the face of the earth. Not so. Update:

A few weeks ago, I went to my best friend's house. She moved away last year, so I went to visit her. It was me and 5 other girls going to visit Lauren and her sister Rylee. I can't even explain how fun it was. Maybe just look at these pictures and guess:

Swimming and sun bathing
Then we got fro-yo at U-swirl. I've never been there! It was so cute!
Lyssa, Me, Lauren, Jentch, Ry, Aubs, and Manders

If you're wondering whose bottom this is, it is Mandi's. For some reason, she thought that a 2 second timer on the camera was long enough for her to jump over the couch and get in position. We love that girl!
We're serious Mirfandas. Some people don't really have the "Miranda Touch" but some do...

We watched the 2012 London Olympics opening ceremonies...
..whilst doing our nails.
Then, we watched the Up All Night DVD right after. Amazing stuff.
Then..more swimming.
Look at our cute stripes.

This is probably the best photo of my life. Jentch and Aubs. Yes..they're golden.
 Anywho, this was basically the best thing of my life. If you don't understand how much we laughed, let me just tell you that there was so much laughter that one of these girls lost control of her bladder...I won't tell you who. And, also, just looking at these pictures reminds me of so many funny things..that I just laugh so dang hard while looking at these.

The next week, I went camping with my family! No pictures....thank goodness...but, it was pretty fun, too. Let's just say that my sister-in-law and I got folded up into a hide-a-bed.

Then, this last week was spent at girls' camp. The YCLs left on Tuesday (that would be me) and the rest of the girls left on Wednesday. Then, we got back home yesterday. It was super long but super duper incredibly fun. Let's just say, though, that it was exhausting and I have a very strained voice today.
Being a YCL (youth camp leader), you have to be really energetic and you have to be able to get all of the girls super pumped about everything. That was hard to do this year because 1) We went on a 10 mile hike on Tuesday and that made us super super tired and sore for the rest of the week and 2) It was a tough crowd this year. The girls didn't seem to appreciate our humor as much as we did. Oh well. It was still a serious blast and a half. It almost made it even funnier that nobody else thought that we were funny.
My friends Natalie, Carly, Aubrey, and I were incredibly hilarious the entire time. We would make up new songs and chants at each meal time and we would make Aubrey stand up and sing them at the top of her lungs. We also had the most hilarious YCL leader. She told the best stories that we quoted the entire week. I honestly am still hurting from laughing so hard.
Then, one night, Natalie and I decided to pull an all-nighter with another friend, Lisa. We stayed up all night, talking about spiritual things and then just being dorks. It was so fun. Then, we wanted to pull another all-nighter the next night. Didn't happen. But, it was still super super fun.
Girls' camp this year was so incredibly amazing. There were so many miracles this year and we had such a great time. I'm so glad that I went.

Another thing that happened at Girls' Camp: we were doing archery and our stake president asked me to run far out and put an apple on my head so that he could shoot it off. I knew that he wouldn't do it, so I pretended to run out there really eagerly. Then, he called me back and he said, "I was just kidding!" and I said, "I know you were. I trusted you. I knew you wouldn't shoot at me, and if you did, I knew you wouldn't miss." Then, today we had stake conference and he told that story to everybody there. It was great. Then, there was a visiting General Authority from the Quorum of the Seventy and he even mentioned that story in his talk. Afterwards, I went to shake his hand and I told him, "I was the Sister Turner that President Hardy mentioned." He laughed and asked me more about the story. He thought it was hilarious.

Anywho, it's been a great couple weeks. There have still been tears and such, but..let's just say these other things overpower the sad things.

I hope y'all have a great rest of your Sabbath! If you're watching the Olympics closing ceremony, enjoy that! I'm so excited! Anywho, peace out, friends!