blank'/> Laughing Through the Silences: I was born with it. Starting now.

Friday, February 1, 2013

I was born with it. Starting now.

 "At a certain point in your life, 
probably when too much of it has gone by,
 you will open your eyes and see yourself for who you are...
especially for everything that made you so 
different from all the awful normals.
 And you will say to yourself,

 'But I am this person.'

 And in that statement, that correction,
 there will be a kind of love."

-Miss Dodger,  
Phoebe in Wonderland


  1. One of my all time favorite movies. And that line is one of the best ever written.
    Lovely photo :)

  2. I love this post. I love you.
    Here is a similar post I did on my blog a few years ago... but it's a lot longer post than this one.

    But, great quote and great picture. you are awesome.


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