blank'/> Laughing Through the Silences: Bizarre Happenings

Monday, July 2, 2012

Bizarre Happenings

There are times when I'm halfway between asleep and awake and I see weird things above my head. It's usually just a spider or a spider web and I usually can tell that I'm somewhat awake. So, I just turn on my lamp and examine what is above me. Or, I just reach my hand up to see if there is really anything there. There's never anything there. Hallucinations. Creepy? Yes. But, I've never had anything as scary as what happened to me on Saturday night. Seriously. I can't even...

On Saturday night, on the scale from awake to asleep, I was more on the asleep side. In fact, I'm pretty sure I was all the way asleep. Instead of seeing just a spider web, I saw a hand and it was coming right at me. So, I screamed. The scariest thing in the world is waking up to your own blood-curdling screaming. I screamed about four times and I felt absolutely sick. My parents' room is right across the hallway from me, so my dad bolted right into my room when I was still screaming. He asked me what happened, and I was so shaken, I didn't even know what happened. I just started bawling, my dad gave me a hug and then went back to bed. I left my lamp on and read for awhile to try to calm myself down. I didn't even want to turn my lamp off, so I slept all night with it on.

On Sunday morning, my throat hurt from screaming. I mean, this was loud screaming. LOUD. Everybody in my family asked me why I was screaming that night. I woke everybody up. All of my siblings that sleep in the basement..yes, I woke them up. It was quite scary! I didn't enjoy it at all.

I oughta get myself a dream catcher.

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